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Einfamilienhaus zum Kauf
492000 €4.354 €/m²
Finanzierung ab 1955 €/Monat
113 m²Wohnfläche
430 m²Grundstück

Charming gem in a beautiful location. (SUN 113)

Building a house is much more than just putting bricks on top of each other. It is the realisation of a dream, the construction of a place of refuge where love can breathe and memories can grow.

Just imagine: A house flooded with sunlight, waking up to the smell of fresh coffee in the morning and coming to rest in the warm glow of lamps in the evening. A place where walls are not just walls, but tell stories - of children's laughter, of quiet conversations by candlelight, of hands that touch as you pass by.

Your home is the setting for your favourite moments. The kitchen where you cook, laugh and savour life together. The living room where you can hear the rain drumming against the window panes, snuggled up close together. The terrace where you whisper your dreams under an endless starry sky on summer nights.

It's not just a building - it's a heart made of wood and stone that beats to the same beat as yours. A place where you arrive and know: I can be here. I am at home.


Merkmale und Ausstattung

  • Einbauküche, Offene Küche
  • Kein Keller
  • Badezimmer: Badewanne, Bad mit Dusche, Bad mit Fenster


Grundrisse1 / 2


Energie und Bauzustand


  • Baujahr2025
  • Zustand der ImmobilieProjektiert
  • HaustypKfW 55
  • HeizungsartZentralheizung
  • Wesentliche EnergieträgerLuft-/Wasser-Wärmepumpe


492000 €
4.353,98 €/m²
Provision für Käufer
Bitte beachte, das Angebot kann bei Vertragsabschluss die Zahlung einer Provision beinhalten. Weitere Informationen erhältst Du vom Anbieter.

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Der Quadratmeterpreis dieser Immobilie ist höher als der Durchschnitt für diese Gegend.
Diese Anzeige
4.353,98 €/m²
Niedrigster Wert in der Region
1.092 €/m²
Höchster Wert in der Region
4.033 €/m²
Der angegebene Quadratmeterpreis wurde von AVIV Germany automatisch anhand des angegebenen Verkaufspreises und der angegebenen Quadratmeterzahl des Objektes berechnet. Der Vergleichswert basiert auf den verfügbaren Marktwerten zu Objekten ähnlicher Beschaffenheit und Lage. Diese Angaben können eine gutachterliche Bewertung nicht ersetzen, da diese immer auch vom Zustand und der Lage des konkreten Objektes abhängig ist.


(Empfehlung: 20% der Gesamtkosten)
monatliche Rate
Von immowelt errechnet mit: 2 % Tilgungsrate, 3,7 % Sollzins und deinem Eigenkapital.

Weitere Informationen

Sonstiges Shopping facilities:
In Landstuhl you will find a variety of shopping facilities, including supermarkets, speciality shops and boutiques that cover your daily needs. There is also a branch of Hornbach Baustoff Union in the industrial estate.
Leisure facilities:
Landstuhl offers numerous leisure and recreational opportunities:
- Sights: Nanstein Castle, a medieval fortress, is a popular excursion destination and offers an impressive view of the region. Also worth seeing are the remains of a Roman columned tomb from the 2nd century, known as the Sickinger Cube, and the Old Chapel, the preserved choir of the former medieval church of St Andreas.
- Nature: The area surrounding Landstuhl is ideal for hiking and cycling tours. Particularly noteworthy are the redwood trees between Landstuhl and Langwieden, which are among the tallest trees in Rhineland-Palatinate with a height of more than 41 metres.
- Culture and events: The town is home to various associations, including the fanfare band 'Sickinger Herolde' Landstuhl e.V. and the Landstuhl Children's Theatre, which won the Emichsburg Prize of the Palatinate Dialect Poetry Competition in 2011.
Overall, Landstuhl is characterised by its rich history, good transport links and diverse leisure facilities, which offer both residents and visitors numerous opportunities to spend their free time. Stichworte Anzahl der Schlafzimmer: 3, Anzahl der Badezimmer: 1, 2 Etagen, Stadtrandlage

Weitere Services

Anbieter der Immobilie

Living Fertighaus GmbH MusterhausGewerblicher Anbieter
Xaver-Fuhr-Str. 111 / 23, 68163 Mannheim
partner badge
Herr Dirk LangeDein Kontakt
Online-ID: 2j9h65b
Referenznummer: 30733-312
Herr Dirk Lange
Living Fertighaus GmbH Musterhaus